Telemedicine Instructions

Telemedicine visits will be carried out using the platform. To access your telemedicine visit, please open your browser and type in the following website address:

You will be asked to enter your name and you may also be asked to enable your computer’s/phone’s/iPad’s audio and video capabilities. Please log in at least 5 minutes prior to your appointment so that we can start the visit on time. You will wait in a virtual waiting room until the doctor logs on at the time of your appointment. You must be in the state of Connecticut at the time of your visit.

If you are comfortable, it may be helpful to have someone present at the time of your telemedicine visit to help you use the camera on your phone so that the doctor can better visualize your skin issue.

Also, a telemedicine consent form can be found on this website.  Please read it prior to your visit, as you will be asked for your consent to a telehealth visit at the start of your appointment.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 860-523-1087.